

RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /dex/ RewriteRule ^wsdl/(sjz|bd|qhd|common)/?$ wsdl.php?u=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^wsdl/?$ wsdl.php [L]


wsdl/sjz –> wsdl.php?u=sjz wsdl/ –> wsdl.php


(1) pass through /dex/wsdl/sjz (3) [per-dir E:/cvswork/2005dex/] add path info postfix: E:/cvswork/2005dex/wsdl.php -> E:/cvswork/2005dex/wsdl.php/sjz



the problem lies in here somewhere with URL http://localhost/index/q we get:- add path-info postfix: c:/wwwroot/index.php -> c:/wwwroot/index.php/q strip per-dir prefix: c:/wwwroot/index.php/q -> index.php/q applying pattern ‘^([^/.]*)$’ to uri ‘index.php/q’ I dont want index.php/q though!!!!! argghhhhh!!! …… GOT IT!!!!!!! Bl**dy windows OS i removed the .htaccess file and http://localhost/phpinfo/x was still doing phpinfo.php I added a directory called phpinfo and it worked – giving a directory listing I re-created the .htaccess and voila it worked. So basically if a directory doesnt exist it looks for a script (.php .html) and then uses that with further parameters sdded to the end of it. I have to find a workaround for that now.


MultiViews-option abschalten. wenn diese aktiviert ist, würde ein request nach /kategorie auch kategorie.php finden, und das kollidiert natürlich mit deiner RewriteRule, weil dort eben mit /kategorie/irgendwas ebenfalls ein “treffer” vorliegt – da kann der server also nicht entscheiden, was jetzt eigentlich gemeint ist.


MultiViews option switch off. if this is activated, after/category kategorie.php to also find request, and collides naturally with your RewriteRule, because evenly with/category/something is likewise present there a “hit” – there the server cannot decide thus, what is now actually meant.


Options -MultiViews




Note To enable the rewriting engine for per-directory configuration files you need to set “RewriteEngine On” in these files and “Options FollowSymLinks” must be enabled. If your administrator has disabled override of FollowSymLinks for a user’s directory, then you cannot use the rewriting engine. This restriction is needed for security reasons.

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